We strive to live our life guided by two principals: to whom much is given much is required, and a life of no regrets. We are compelled to give back, so we set about to document the African American experience through original documents, manuscripts, photographs, paintings and sculptures.
Our intention is that this work allows people to develop a deeper relationship to the pieces in our collection that bring African American history to life. Having that connection with the past creates this sense of strength, identity and lineage that is so powerful in each of us.
VIDEO: The Kinsey Collection Introduction
About The Kinsey Collection...
The Bernard and Shirley Kinsey collection contains a wide range of art and artifacts that bear witness to the multilayered intersections of the past and present. From a curatorial perspective, the correlations of seemingly disparate objects and their historical moments are both purposeful and necessary to form a holistic understanding of the Kinsey's mission. In aggregate, these intersections that are sometimes confrontational become a celebration of the diversity of African and African American experience in the world.
Very little is consoling about the artifacts that are contained in the collection. The context of each piece is complex, giving light to the difficulties of being black, and also, illuminating the brilliance, sometimes tragic, of exceptional people whose contributions add enduring force to the often undervalued collective history of a people.
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Official Website: www.TheKinseyCollection.com
The Kinsey Collection:
Shared Treasures of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey
Where Art and History Intersect